Built-in vs Freestanding Ovens

April 14, 2022

Built-in vs Freestanding Ovens: Which One Is Right For You?

Cooking appliances have gone a long way from the humble gas stove of yesteryears. Nowadays, modern kitchens feature an array of kitchen appliances that make cooking more convenient than ever. However, with so many options available, choosing the right oven can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when it comes down to the decision of choosing between a built-in or freestanding unit. In this post, we’ll compare the two and help you make an informed decision.

Built-In Ovens

Built-in ovens are designed to be installed into kitchen cabinetry. They are a great choice for those who have limited space in their kitchen and want a neat and sleek look. They come in various sizes, styles, and finishes, including single, double, and microwave combination ovens. Built-in units generally cost more than freestanding ovens, but they come with many benefits.

Advantages of Built-In Ovens

  • Space-saving - As they are installed into the cabinetry, built-in ovens take up less floor space, making them ideal for smaller kitchens.

  • Customizable - Built-in ovens can be customized to fit the design of your kitchen, from the color to the style, thereby enhancing the overall look of your kitchen.

  • Ergonomic - Cooking at eye-level saves you from bending over, which makes it more comfortable to use your oven.

  • Easy to clean - Built-in ovens typically come with a self-cleaning feature, which makes it easier to clean.

Disadvantages of Built-In Ovens

  • Price - Built-in ovens can be more expensive than freestanding ovens.

  • Installation costs - Because they need to be installed into cabinets, installation costs for built-in ovens can be higher than freestanding ovens.

Freestanding Ovens

Freestanding ovens, also known as range cookers, are designed to stand alone and not require installation. They are a popular choice in many homes, especially larger kitchens with adequate space. They come in various sizes, with multiple burners, and can include an oven or a grill.

Advantages of Freestanding Ovens

  • Affordable - Freestanding ovens are much more affordable than built-in ovens.

  • Easy to install - Freestanding ovens do not require installation, so you can simply plug it in.

  • Flexible - They are a suitable choice for renters who cannot install a built-in oven.

  • Great for bigger kitchens - Freestanding ovens come in larger sizes, making them ideal for larger kitchens.

Disadvantages of Freestanding Ovens

  • Take up more space - Freestanding ovens take up more floor space due to their size and design.

  • Not customizable - Freestanding ovens cannot be customized to fit your kitchen.

  • Cannot be upgraded - Freestanding ovens cannot be changed or upgraded to a different model or type of oven.


Choosing between a built-in or freestanding oven depends on your needs, budget, and preference. If you have limited space and want a sleek and modern look, a built-in oven may be the best option. However, if you need a larger oven and do not want to spend too much, then a freestanding oven may be the better choice. This post has provided you with a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each. So go ahead and make the right choice!


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